I-Armature Commutator Yempahla Yasekhaya
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  • I-Armature Commutator Yempahla Yasekhaya - 1 I-Armature Commutator Yempahla Yasekhaya - 1
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I-Armature Commutator Yempahla Yasekhaya

Abagibeli bethu ikakhulukazi bangabagibeli bohlobo lwe-hook, abagibeli bohlobo lwe-slot, abagibeli bezinhlobo eziyisicaba, njll. Ezinye izinhlobo zabagibeli zingenziwa ngokwezifiso ngokuya ngezidingo zosayizi wekhasimende. Umgibeli udlala indima yokulungisa, futhi indima yakhe ukwenza isiqondiso se-current ku-armature winding ishintshane ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi isiqondiso setorque kagesi sihlala singashintshile.Okulandelayo yisingeniso se-Armature Commutator For Home Appliances, ngithemba ukukusiza ukuqonde kangcono. Yamukela amakhasimende amasha namadala ukuze uqhubeke nokubambisana nathi ukuze sakhe ikusasa elingcono ndawonye!

Thumela Uphenyo

Incazelo Yomkhiqizo

I-Armature Commutator Yezisetshenziswa Zasekhaya


1.Isingeniso Somkhiqizo

Lesi sihambisi sezikhali ze-Home Appliances sinezicucu ezingu-36, amandla e-dielectric phakathi kwama-chips angafinyelela ku-500V/s ngaphandle kokuphuka noma ukucwayiza; ukumelana nokufakwa kwe-insulation≥100MΩ, imvamisa ye-AC ku-50HZ/60HZ, izici ezinhle kakhulu zikagesi nezomshini, isakhiwo esizinzile, ukunemba kobukhulu obuphakeme, iphutha le-engeli elilinganayo le-commutator Okuncane, ubulukhuni bomkhiqizo obuphezulu, ukumelana nokugqokwa okuhle, amandla aqinile aphezulu, ukusebenza okushisayo okuzinzile nempilo ende yesevisi.


2.Ipharamitha yomkhiqizo (Ukucaciswa)


Umshini wokuwasha i-DC motor commutator hook commutator







kungenziwa ngokwezifiso


36, kungenziwa ngezifiso




Uhlobo lwe-hook commutator

Izinhlelo zokusebenza

izinto zasendlini, izimoto kanye neminye imikhakha.


3.Isici Somkhiqizo Kanye Nesicelo

Le hook ye-Armature Commutator ifanele Izinto zikagesi zasekhaya, amathuluzi kagesi, imishini yokuwasha, ama-treadmill, imishini yokuthunga, ama-wiper motors, ama-lifti motors, ama-DC motors, njll.


4.Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

I-Armature Commutator Yezisetshenziswa Zasekhaya





Hot Tags: I-Armature Commutator Yezinto zikagesi zasekhaya, ezenziwe ngokwezifiso, i-China, Abakhiqizi, Abahlinzeki, Imboni, Yenziwe e-China, Intengo, Ikhotheshini, CE

Isigaba Esihlobene

Thumela Uphenyo

Sicela uzizwe ukhululekile ukunikeza umbuzo wakho ngefomu elingezansi. Sizokuphendula emahoreni angu-24.
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