I-Commutator For Automobile

I-NIDE igxile ekuhlinzekeni umhambisi wezimoto iminyaka engaphezu kwe-10. Singakwazi ukukhiqiza izinhlobo ezingaphezu kuka-1200 ezahlukene ze-electric motor stator kanye ne-armature rotor brush commutator, okuhlanganisa uhlobo lwe-hook, uhlobo lwesikhuphukeli, uhlobo lwegobolondo, uhlobo lwe-planar, olusuka ku-OD 4mm kuya ku-OD 150mm futhi singochwepheshe ekukhiqizeni abagibeli iminyaka eminingi.

I-Commutator For Automobile isetshenziselwa ukuhambisa ithuluzi likagesi, umshini wokusika umshini, umshini wokuhamba ngesando kagesi, i-electric pick commutator, i-car fuel pump motor commutator, i-car wiper motor commutator, i-motor commutator yemoto, i-jack motor commutator Director.

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Custom yezimoto fan motor slot commutator For imoto

Custom yezimoto fan motor slot commutator For imoto

I-NIDE ingahlinzeka ngokushintshwa kwezimoto okungaphezu kuka-1,200. Sesineminyaka engaphezu kweyishumi sikhiqiza abagibeli futhi singanikeza amakhasimende amanani ancintisanayo kanye nabagibeli bekhwalithi ephezulu.Siyakwamukela ukuthengaIsihambisi sezimoto ezingokwezifiso ze-motor slot commutator Ngemoto evela kithi. Zonke izicelo ezivela kumakhasimende ziphendulwa emahoreni angama-24.

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
Isigaba Sesithathu Self Armature Commutator For Automobile

Isigaba Sesithathu Self Armature Commutator For Automobile

I-NIDE ingahlinzeka ngokushintshwa kwezimoto okungaphezu kuka-1,200. Sesineminyaka engaphezu kweyishumi sikhiqiza abagibeli futhi singanikeza amakhasimende amanani ancintisanayo nabagibeli beqophelo eliphezulu.Siyakwamukela ukuthenga i-Three Phase Self Armature Commutator For Automobile kithi. Zonke izicelo ezivela kumakhasimende ziphendulwa emahoreni angama-24.

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
Car Motor Part Starter Armature Commutator For Automobile

Car Motor Part Starter Armature Commutator For Automobile

I-NIDE ingahlinzeka ngokushintshwa kwezimoto okungaphezu kuka-1,200. Sesineminyaka engaphezu kweyishumi sikhiqiza abagibeli futhi singanikeza amakhasimende amanani ancintisanayo nabagibeli beqophelo eliphezulu.Siyakwamukela ukuthenga i-Car Motor Part Starter Armature Commutator For Automobile kithi. Zonke izicelo ezivela kumakhasimende ziphendulwa emahoreni angama-24.

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
I-Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 Yezimoto

I-Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 Yezimoto

Le Car Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 For Automobile ilungele amamotho Ezimoto. I-NIDE ibambe iqhaza ekwakhiweni, ekuthuthukisweni, nasekukhiqizweni kwe-slot, hook, kanye nabagibeli be-planar (abaqoqi) bamamotho e-DC kanye nama-motor universal. Futhi ingahlinzeka ngezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zabagibeli bezimoto ngokuya ngezidingo zamakhasimende. Sinohlelo oluphelele lokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi kanye nohlelo lokuphathwa kwebhizinisi oluthuthukisiwe. Okulandelayo yisingeniso seCar Fuel Pump Commutator 20.5x5x6.6 Yezezimoto, ngithemba ukukusiza ukuqonde kangcono.

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
8P imoto wiper motor commutator For Automobile

8P imoto wiper motor commutator For Automobile

Le moto ye-8P wiper motor commutator For Automobile ilungele amamotho Ezimoto. I-NIDE ibambe iqhaza ekwakhiweni, ekuthuthukisweni, nasekukhiqizweni kwe-slot, hook, kanye nabagibeli be-planar (abaqoqi) bamamotho e-DC kanye nama-motor universal. Futhi ingahlinzeka ngezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zabagibeli bezimoto ngokuya ngezidingo zamakhasimende. Sinohlelo oluphelele lokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi kanye nohlelo oluthuthukisiwe lokuphatha ibhizinisi.Okulandelayo yisingeniso se-8P car wiper motor commutator For Automobile, ngethemba ukukusiza ukuqonde kangcono.

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator For Automobile

12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator For Automobile

Le 12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator ilungele izinjini Zezimoto. I-NIDE ibambe iqhaza ekwakhiweni, ekuthuthukisweni, nasekukhiqizweni kwe-slot, hook, kanye nabagibeli be-planar (abaqoqi) bamamotho e-DC kanye nama-motor universal. Futhi ingahlinzeka ngezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zabagibeli bezimoto ngokuya ngezidingo zamakhasimende. Sinohlelo oluphelele lokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi kanye nohlelo oluthuthukisiwe lokuphatha ibhizinisi.Okulandelayo yisingeniso se-12P Water Pump DC Motor Commutator For Automobile, ngethemba ukukusiza ukuthi uyiqonde kangcono.

Funda kabanziThumela Uphenyo
I-Commutator For Automobile eyenziwe e-China iwuhlobo olulodwa lwemikhiqizo evela kumboni yakwa-Nide. Njengabakhiqizi I-Commutator For Automobile nabahlinzeki bempahla e-China abaqeqeshiwe, futhi singanikeza isevisi engokwezifiso ye-I-Commutator For Automobile. Imikhiqizo yethu iyisitifiketi se-CE. Inqobo nje uma ufuna ukwazi imikhiqizo, singakunikeza ngentengo egculisayo ngokuhlela. Uma udinga, siphinde sihlinzeke ngekhotheshini.
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